The Recipe:
Recipe: E.S.Bitching (ESB) TYPE: All Grain Style: Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale) ---RECIPE SPECIFICATIONS----------------------------------- SRM: 7.6 SRM SRM RANGE: 6.0-18.0 SRM IBU: 35.3 IBUs Tinseth IBU RANGE: 30.0-50.0 IBUs OG: 1.057 SG OG RANGE: 1.048-1.060 SG FG: 1.015 SG FG RANGE: 1.010-1.016 SG BU:GU: 0.614 Calories: 535.8 kcal/l Est ABV: 5.6 % EE%: 72.00 % Batch: 20.00 l Boil: 30.48 l BT: 90 Mins ---WATER CHEMISTRY ADDITIONS---------------- Total Grain Weight: 5.08 kg Total Hops: 90.00 g oz. ---MASH/STEEP PROCESS------MASH PH:5.40 ------ >>>>>>>>>>-ADD WATER CHEMICALS BEFORE GRAINS!!<<<<<<< Amt Name Type %/IBU 4.75 kg Pale Malt (Weyermann) (3.3 SRM) Grain 93.5 % 0.23 kg Carahell (Weyermann) (13.0 SRM) Grain 4.5 % 0.10 kg Caraaroma (130.0 SRM) Grain 2.0 % Name Description Step Temperat Step Time Mash In Add 14.19l water at 74.7 C 67.0 C 60 min ---SPARGE PROCESS--- Batch sparge: 3 steps (1.37l, 10.48l, 10.48l) of 75.6 C water ---BOIL PROCESS----------------------------- Est Pre_Boil Gravity: 1.046 SG Est OG: 1.057 SG Amt Name Type %/IBU 60.00 g Goldings, E.K. [5.50 %] - Boil 60.0 Hop 35.3 IBUs 0.50 Items Irish Moss (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining - 30.00 g Goldings, E.K. [5.50 %] - Boil 0.0 Hop 0.0 IBUs ---FERM PROCESS----------------------------- Primary Start: 5/8/2012 - 7.00 Days at 20.0 C Secondary Start: 5/15/2012 - 10.00 Days at 18.3 C Style Carb Range: 1.50-2.40 Vols Bottling Date: 5/15/2012 with 1.9 Volumes CO2: ---NOTES------------------------------------ Fermentation seemed to be over within 72 hours, so I started
letting temp drop by one degree every 12 hours. This may not
have been a good idae as FG ended up 1.019 instead of 1.014.
Also ended up with 17.5L of beer instead of 20.
Taste Notes:
Overall the impression is of beer that is good, but past its prime. The carbonation was always a little light on this one, but when I tasted it it seemed particularly low. Don't know if that was just the specific bottle tough.
Small stable head over translucent maple color 4/5
Aroma of some hops, caramel and brown sugar 6/10
Taste of some wood and light caramel medium body 6/10
Palate a little odd, and woody 2/5
Overall 12 Cumulative 29/50
This beer happened to also be reviewed by Keren MK in her blog where she says it was "Amber color, with aromas of malt and a touch of fruit, a little watery, bitter, with a grainy finish" (Translated from Hebrew). Others that have tasted this liked it a lot, but unfortunately, I don't have anything more detailed then "This is good" by way of review. :)
OOPS, Had a feeling I forgot something: The yeast used was English Ale Yeast (obviously). I used Dunstar Windsor, but I think it's no longer available in this country. I imagine Fermentis 04 would do a pretty similar job. (Thank Noam for the catch!)
what yeast?