Monday, October 3, 2011

We've gone global!

I started writing this blog when I first started brewing beer. And then I stopped. Primarily because I was writing in Hebrew and it's just not a language I can type very fast. (Plus the fact that I had a sum total of about two readers, both of which I corresponded with through other means).

Well recently one of those two readers suggested that I take the blog back up. And when I told him that it was too much of a pain to write in Hebrew, he responded that he'd be perfectly happy to read it in English. So Here it is. Re-vamped, and re-launched, ready for the global beer economy. :)

A lot of beer had been brewed in my kitchen since I last wrote in this blog, most of which bad. But I've learned a few things from each batch, and I hope I'll learn more in the future. In upcoming entries I hope to share a few insights and tales of fizzy alcohol. But first, the obligatory list:

Ready to drink:
"Bad Bad Leroy Brown" - A southern Brown ale with a twist (More later)
3% Apple Beer
4% Pomegranate beer
"Plague of the Firstborn Ver 2". - My attempt at making a Belgium Dubble recipe. Also known as "der crappe" (More Later)

Aging and waiting:
Prematurely Bottled HefeWizen - I've been resisting the urge to call this one "Yeast infection", on the hope that it will get better as it ages. (More Later)
8% Kick-your-ass-Apple-cider (A lot more on that one later)
10% Free Beer (A sixpack)
Odds and ends.

Fermenting and waiting:
"HeatBurger" German Lager (More Later)

Lot's more Cider
Brown without a twist
Scottish Ale (more of a hope than an actual plan.)

I hope that over the next few entries I can talk a bit more about some of these beers (especially the ones I labeled "more later") and others I plan to brew or drink. In the meantime, it's time to get off the train, so I'll sign off.

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